This week I have another little interview for you, as I sat down with one of our affable on the road Sales guys Matt Marinangeli (try saying that surname after a few sherbets)… at safe social distance of course!
Matt is responsible for major projects nationwide and is based remotely in the UK. I asked Matt to tell us a little about himself and his role here at Sheridans.

“I started at Sheridan Lifts as the New Lift and Modernisation Sales Exec for the Southern region, so my area was from Birmingham and everything beneath. I was tasked with dealing specifically with projects that cover some of the higher rise units and modernisation. Generally I take a lead and quote the project using the spec and drawings, otherwise I’ll survey myself and quote a suitable solution to suit while considering the customer requirements or that of the spec.
From 2021, my job role changes slightly and I’ll be looking after major projects nationally, the team has grown here at Sheridans and the roles have changed slightly for everyone, so I’ve fallen into this role to help nurture some of the more specific projects”.
That’s great Matt, so have you always worked in the world of vertical transportation?
“Kind of yeah! I started working for Otis about 10 years ago selling service contracts and minor modernisation, I moved onto KONE and worked in their Key Accounts looking after Debenhams for a number of years before breaking away and opening a Burrito restaurant during an early mid-life crisis. I moved back into the lift industry and aimed to step back into a sales position with a well-established independent, as I was looking to make a real impact and have the freedom to sell without some of the restraints that go hand in hand with working in a multi-national”.
Right, mental note made for you to make me a burrito some time. Can’t beat a bit of Mexican! So the pandemic hasn’t affected your movements as much as others then?
“I’ve been based remotely since starting my career so it’s been no real difference to what I’m used to! The main issue has been sites being closed and not being able to get out and see people. We’ve all just had to be very creative with technology. In an ideal world like to get into the office at least once a week to see people, it’s better working with people face-to-face I find and I like to feel part of the team as much as possible!”

Tell us a bit about yourself, what makes you tick?
“Well, I’m half Italian and I’m taking part in an Ironman Triathlon over there the year after next as it is close to where my family lives. I’ve been in the industry since graduating, I lived in Paris for a bit after Uni. I stopped boxing and put a lot of timber on, but I lost nearly 5 stone this year training for the Ironman so I’m feeling pretty good! I’ve got a young family at home so I get more of a rest at work!”
What do you enjoy most about your job / what’s best about Sheridans and what frustrates you?
“I really enjoy the job itself and the New Lifts team. I’ve learnt a lot, had a lot of support and had a good laugh with everyone along the way! My biggest frustration with Sheridans so far was over the last Christmas period… My advent calendar mysteriously lost all its chocolates and I’ve never been compensated for it… Not holding any grudges a year on at all…”

If you weren’t selling lifts what would you be doing? What are your ambitions whilst at Sheridans?
“If I wasn’t selling lifts I’d be unemployed Chris 😃. I’m not sure what I’d be doing, I always wanted to be a pilot so if I could have picked another career path it might have been that. My ambitions with Sheridans are to help grow the business and hopefully step into a leadership role as the business expands”.
It’s been a pleasure Matt, many thanks for taking the time out to chat with us
“You’re very welcome, do I get a separate payment for my time?”
No 😃