Welcome to the company Chris Bamford!
In true Sheridans style we are giving the warmest of welcomes to our newest staff member, and it really is a family affair here as Chris Bamford, brother of Repairs Manager Jordan Bamford has joined the Sheridan family!
Chris brings with him a wealth of experience despite being only 26 and joins as our new Service Sales Representative for the North West.
I had a nice chat with Chris earlier in the week and the conversation went something like this!
Hi Chris, so go on, tell us a bit about yourself!
“Hello! Well, I’m 26 and have a 9-year-old son. I’ve worked in sales my whole working life. Been told I’m old before my time and have a dry sense of humour, sometimes I can say something and it seems serious but 9 out of 10 times I’m taking the mickey.
“On a working level, for the past 3 years I sold commercial kitchen and laundry equipment on long term fully inclusive rental contracts and I specialize in account management and business development. I like to think I’m easy to talk to and a good listener”.

Ok, so what’s your role at Sheridans and how have you settled in?
“At Sheridan’s I am a service sales representative and im settling in really well, everyone makes you feel like you’ve been here years and just let you get on with the job while still being there for anything you need. Everyone has a passion for what they do no matter what it is they’re doing. That makes it a really easy and happy place to work”.
What’s it like working with your brother, are you close?
“I’m enjoying working with Jordan as its someone that I can ask anything at any time and he’s going to help whether its in or out of working hours. We would even talk about it before I even worked here as Jordan has a passion for what he’s doing. I’d say me and jordan are the closest out of all our brothers and we will often do things outside of work like watch the boxing/ufc/football or go for food and drinks” (When it’s open)
What’s the best and worst things about Jordan and what would he say are the best and worst things about you?!
“I’d say the best thing about both me and Jordan is we’re loyal. The worst thing about Jordan is with food and drink he very rarely tries anything new. The worst thing about me is my poor choice in tattoos when I was younger”.
Are you also a blue like Jordan or are you a red?
“I’m a red, Jordan was just coming of age and getting in to football when City just got good so he’s a glory hunter haha”
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
“At Sheridans being a key part in growing the long term maintenance contract book and showing the ropes to any other people that come in to do the same thing. (Obviously earning as much as I can haha)”
What’s the best thing about Sheridans?
“I’d say the fact its family run and everyone that works here is made to feel like extended family, you’re never looking over your shoulder or worried about what might be round the corner. Everyone is pushing towards the same goals and wants to make something of what they have”.
I’m sure you’ll join me in wishing Chris a very warm welcome, I’m sure he will enjoy a long and happy career wth us!