Here at Sheridan Lifts we believe in giving back to the communities we operate in and we have a strong moral compass when it comes to helping those communities thrive. You can check out our work here on the pages of our blog where you can read about all the things we do to get involved with the local community.
As some of you may be aware, last year we opened up our second office in Watford, Hertfordshire due to the increasing volume of work we were enjoying in the south of the UK.
Our very own Chris Grailey relocated down to Watford to help set up the new offices. And things are going really well, with new clients coming on board all the time. So we thought it’d be time for us to get involved with the community down there, too.

“I’ve been wanting to find local charities that we can help, especially during this pandemic which has hamstrung so many people and made difficult situations that extra bit more difficult” Chris tells us
“Recently, the work of Herts Young Homeless (hyh) came to my attention and in recent weeks we have begin discussions with them about how we may be able to help them moving forwards”
The first thing we are going to do is respond to their latest appeal to form some Easter Care Packs for their members. See flyer below. They are desperately wanting to get hold of these items to provide much needed cheer for those less fortunate during the Easter period.

Chris continues
“Sheridan Lifts will be going shopping for the charity for some of these items on their list and we also want to encourage YOU to utilise our premises and drop off any items from your list that you may be able to collect. It will go a long way for the recipients and be very gratefully received, we can assure you of that.
So between now and 19 March please feel free to drop off items to:
Sheridan Lifts
42-44 Clarendon Rd
WD17 1DR
And we will ensure all items are bagged up and dropped off with the charity.
Many thanks 🙂