Sheridan’s win contract to refurbish the lifts at the North Manchester General hospital. We are delighted to have won the contract to fully modernise the lifts at North Manchester General Hospital. This gives us particularly satisfaction as a Manchester based company. Sheridan lift services have been wining contracts for new lift installations across the UK this year but we believe that, not only have we been Manchester’s number 1 lift company for a number of years, we are now establishing the same reputation the length and breadth of the UK for lift modernisation. The growth over the last 2 years has been superb. With the hospital tender, Sheridan’s beat the national and local competition not only on price, but on our attention to detail providing our clients with the exact solution they required. That’s one of the differences you have when dealing with Sheridan’s. Our true independence within the lift industry provides us with the platform to source the market for the very best products not like the nationals. We employ the very best staff to have an innovative approach to lift modernisation. Lift modernisation does not just affect the lift, it has an impact on the daily lives of residents and can be the life blood of the Business, and Sheridan Lifts engage with the clients and insure that all the affects of the lift modernisation are taken into consideration at planning and programming stage. This is particularly prudent when we are dealing with high dependency buildings and more importantly when residents depend on the lift, if you’re planning to modernise your lift, even if you are considering a small upgrade to your lift, please contact us and we will provide all the advice you need.